Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dr Oz on Poop and High Fiber Foods

High-Fiber Food Facts: Figs are high in antioxidants and traditionally used to treat constipation.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room


Dr Oz on Poop and High Fiber Foods
Dr Oz

Lately, I am receiving a lot of email asking me about the use of supplements and all kinds of nutraceuticals** that help prevent or slow down memory loss and Alzheimer's.

More and more people are becoming aware of my great success with Dotty and want to know what I am "giving her". Dotty can still read, get the three letter words in a crossword puzzle, talk, and even play bingo and get all the called numbers even though she can only count to seven.

I did and continue to investigate anything I think might help Dotty's health and brain. However, I want to make it clear that after buying all kinds of "stuff" back near the beginning, I eventually came to the conclusion that it would be best to focus on diet and to identify foods that are high in antioxidants, fiber, and foods that are rich in vitamins. 

Near the top of my list are cinnamon, spinach, kale, apples and many of the vegetables and fruits you will see listed below.

Dr Oz has a very good list which you can see below.

Dr Oz talks about poop on his show regularly. It just never stops amazing me how many people have trouble pooping. Dr Oz wouldn't be spending so much time on poop unless it was a big problem. Note, the majority of Dr Oz's viewers are women. 

You can learn a lot by watching the Dr. Oz television show. For example, which foods are high in fiber and also contain important elements like antioxidants.

Dr Oz Video High Fiber Foods

Eating high-fiber foods helps you stay fuller longer, keeps you regular, and boosts colon health. Getting enough fiber can be a challenge, but one certainly worth taking on. Get started with this list of Dr. Oz-approved high-fiber heavyweights.


  • Artichokes, 10g of fiber
  • Broccoli, 5g of fiber per cup
  • Brussel sprouts, 4 grams of fiber per cup

High-Fiber Food Facts: Artichokes are number 7 on the USDA’s list of antioxidant-rich foods. They also increase the bile flow in the liver, which helps with the digestion of high-fat meals, and may lower cholesterol. 


  • Bulgur, 8g of fiber per cup
  • Quinoa, 5g of fiber per cup
  • Brown rice, 4g of fiber per cup

High-Fiber Food Facts: Bulgur is cracked wheat and a staple of the Mediterranean diet. It’s a good vegetarian source of protein. It may help reduce the risk of heart disease and is the perfect addition to a low glycemic index diet.


  • Navy beans, 19g of fiber per cup
  • Garbanzo beans, 13g of fiber per cup
  • Kidney beans, 13g of fiber per cup

High-Fiber Food Facts: Navy beans are high in magnesium, which lowers your blood pressure. Also, navy beans are an excellent source of folic acid; one serving will give you almost 2/3 of your daily value. 

Fruits and Nuts 

  • Figs, 14 g of fiber per cup
  • Prunes, 12g of fiber per cup
  • Pear, 5g of fiber
  • Almonds, 4g of fiber per cup

High-Fiber Food Facts: Figs are high in antioxidants and traditionally used to treat constipation. 

**Nutraceutical, a portmanteau of the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, is a food or food product that reportedly provides health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. 

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room


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